Music Guangzhou

Music China (Shanghai)

Musikmesse Frankfurt (Germany)

Every year Chairman Instruments engages various large-scale instrument exhibitions, such as the world’s biggest expo ‘Music China’ in Shanghai, ‘Music Guangzhou’ in South China and ‘Musikmesse Frankfurt’ in Germany. Chairman Instruments showcases visitors instrument products of various brands to bring new brand development opportunities each year.

China showcase tour

VIF Violin

Shanghai showcase tour


China Masterclass and Performance Tour

Chairman Instruments Strings Consultant Eliseu Silva

Hong Kong Masterclasses

Chairman Instruments Strings Consultant Suli Xue

Chairman Instruments actively explores instrument brand businesses. To strengthen instrument brand image and offer users the most efficient insturment experiences, every year Chiarman Instruments presents a number of performance tours like the VIF Strings tour, TOKIWA piano showcase in Shanghai, Hong Kong Masterclass by Prof. Suli Xue, Masterclass and Performance Tour by Prof. Eliseu Silva. Chairman tours extensively across China gaining outstanding reputation and building vital foundation for brand developments.

Sponsors the ‘Schoenfeld International Strings Competition’
Sponsors the ‘Hong Kong International Music Festival Grandmaster Cup’
Sponsors the ‘Hong Kong International Music Festival Final Round Competition (Music Camp)’

Give a Ukulele

Chairman Instruments always greatly supports the developments in local music and cultural activities, regularly backing various local major music competitions and events in Hong Kong, helping participants through sponsoring music instruments and prizes. In future, Chairman Instruments continues contributing to music developments by supporting various music activities.